
After struggling with my weight and feeling awful, I decided to get fit4life. I am a husband, dad to three, runner, and Beachbody Coach. Oh yeah, I’ve been a minister since 1999, and I love helping people fulfill their goals – including fitness goals.

  1. Christopher says:

    Hey that’s a pretty amazing transformation! Congrats. I’m on day 3. Tough first two days, shoulders and arms today was fun (my favorite workout). Curious what supplements you did. Also just wondered what you ate during your 90 days? I’m still figuring out the diet – mainly when and how many times to eat. Thanks!

    • getfitathome says:

      Thank you Christopher. I followed Michi’s ladder from the Eat Smart tab on Team Beachbody and Tony Horton’s food guide in “Bring it.” Also I ate six times a day instead of 5 times a day to put on size. For my two snacks I would have a protein bar 25 grams protein/30carb and a good recovery drink after my workout. I used P90X recovery drink mixed with a scoop of whey protein. I also took a good vitamin and cycled on creatine and glutamine for joints. I am on my second round now of P90X and have started using shakeology as on of my snacks during the day. Well worth it…Gives me more energy plus added nutrition I need. I hope this helps.

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